How Do You Make Website Content User-Friendly?

06 April 2021 3 min read

By Blank Theory

When building a website, it’s important not to underestimate the power of user-friendly content. Effective web design and development is crucial, but a website’s content helps convince a user to trust a brand and choose the brand’s products or services over competitors. At Blank Theory, we produce content that considers the users’ wants and needs, and have seen just how successful this can be for brands.

Keep It Simple

User-friendly content is in-depth information communicated in a simple, straightforward fashion that is easy to understand. Potential clients should also be able to find the information they’re looking for without having to hunt. If the most relevant information is buried beneath too much fluffy content, the user is likely to leave the site and look elsewhere for what they need. It also has a negative impact on SEO, meaning your website won’t rank high in search results.

Another great way of avoiding this is to provide alternate options for gathering information. When appropriate, including videos, graphics, iconography, text, and photos will allow the user to take in information however they choose. Mixing mediums will not only make a website more interesting, but more accessible to those with different abilities.

Cut Back On the Paperwork

If your website is a means by which customers access and submit important forms, these should also be easy to find. Make sure the forms don’t ask for any more information than you need, and that their content is written in a logical order. Include straightforward instructions on how to submit the document, and a confirmation message for after its submission. 

Make It Easy to Get In Touch

Regardless of whether or not your website includes forms, it should provide plenty of ways to contact your business. There are plenty of ways to initiate direct contact with your clients. Phone numbers, email and street addresses, and social media links are fairly standard, but a knowledge base, user forum or live chat option will set your brand apart.

Guide Your Customers With Calls to Action

One of the keys to successful and user-friendly web content is the utilisation of Calls to Action, or CTAs. A Call To Action lets the user know what they should do next: how they should find out more, who they should contact, where they should browse, and what they should buy. 

A good CTA is short and direct, with strong, authoritative verbs that leave no room for uncertainty, such as “shop”, “choose”, “join”, or “click”. Although the language is persuasive, make the direction itself low risk and non-committal. For example, it is often better to ask a customer to “shop” or “browse” than it is to “purchase” or “buy”. It is also useful to create a sense of urgency around the CTA. Inform the user if there is limited stock on hand, or if the opportunity presented is only available for a finite period of time. 

CTAs should be included in several parts of the website, appearing on the homepage, in product descriptions, and in blog posts.

Get User-Friendly Content Every Time

With Blank Theory’s insight and expertise, your website’s content can be transformed into something sleek, smart, and wholly inspiring. Connect with us today and take your brand to the next level.